IVCS merges with DriveRisk and Lytx Australia to form DriveRisk Australasia

IVCS merges with DriveRisk and Lytx Australia to form DriveRisk Australasia

Merger Ahead

Responding to growth and market demands, IVCS has been reviewing options to address these needs, while at the same time improving and expanding on service and product offerings. The solution came in the form of a merger with Lytx’s largest international re-seller – DriveRisk, who recently acquired the Lytx Australia operations to allow Lytx to focus on the North American Market.

This consolidation of products and resources bode well for all existing Lytx and IVCS clients. DriveRisk based in South Africa and now Australia, have a 20 year track record in the Risk and Driver Behaviour Management field boasting more than 35,000 DriveCam fitted vehicles and offering innovative support products like:

This amalgamation presents an exciting new era for all IVCS and Lytx clients in Australia. Economies of scale has lead to better pricing, expanded services and increased support across Australia. An early launch of an exciting new range of products from Lytx DriveCam – including multi camera options as well and continuous cloud based recordings – is on the agenda in the next few months.

All staff and contact details will remain the same.

The DriveRisk team, Owen and Craig with Haydn and CEO Louis Swart will be meeting with each client personally over the coming weeks to introduce our new services and products. Please feel free to contact us on 1800 837 433 and for our international users +61 (0) 5456 2277.

DriveRisk IVCS Lytx Logos

source: https://www.newsmaker.com.au/news/373204/ivcs-merges-with-driverisk-and-lytx-australia-to-form-driverisk-australasia