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Tag: Hitachi

Following the official announcement of Hitachi’s EX-7 series of mining excavators, the EX1200-7 has been unveiled at the premiere EX1200-7 Sundowner launch event in Perth, Western Australia. On Thursday 5th July, HCM officially announced the upcoming release of the EX-7...
The new Hitachi wheel loader features highly durable components and performance-enhancing technology to boost productivity, and several design improvements that result in industry-leading safety for demanding job sites. Following extensive research in Europe, the Hitachi development team has designed the...
Delta Group have raised their company scale from big to massive, with a recent order of 26 Hitachi excavators to their already large fleet of Hitachi equipment. The army of machines will tackle the below projects over the next 12...
Crushing Dynamics Pty Ltd was brought to life by two individuals who put their best qualities together to build something great. It is specialised in fixed and mobile crushing, screening and on-selling of crushed materials from various locations in Sydney....