Mack Trucks names Mack Masters champions

Mack Trucks names Mack Masters champions

 Team “#Rise For The Anthem” from Bruckner Truck Sales in Shreveport, Louisiana successfully completed several rounds of competition, including a comprehensive final challenge, to be crowned Mack Masters Champions. Members of team #Rise For The Anthem are Aaron Toomer, Justin Malone, Ted Pfister and Joey Wardrip.

“Not all superheroes wear capes, but our service technicians proudly wear the Mack Bulldog on their uniforms and deliver the expert knowledge and service our customers require,” said Jonathan Randall, Mack Trucks senior vice president, North American sales and marketing. “Congratulations to Aaron, Justin, Joey and Ted from team #Rise For The Anthem on taking their commitment to our customer to an even higher level.”

The 2019 Mack Masters Competition kicked off in November of 2018 with early rounds of online challenges that tested competitors’ knowledge of Mack’s service procedures and related systems. A record number of entrants participated, with about 2,000 individuals on more than 500 teams. After competing in three rounds of online challenges, ten teams of finalists were named, each representing one of Mack’s sales and service regions: Central, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and West for the U.S., plus Canada, Mexico, Peru, Latin America, and – for the first time ever – an apprentice team of individuals new to their job roles.

Source: Mack brand press office