How TOMS Achieves Mining Site Productivity Goals according to Kal Tire

How TOMS Achieves Mining Site Productivity Goals according to Kal Tire

With instant, visual communication between your entire fleet planning team, more tire work can be performed while trucks are already down for maintenance. Now everyone is on the same page and working toward greater uptime.

Source: Kal Tire

Now in use at more than 100 mining sites across five continents, TOMS also allows customers to draw on Kal Tire’s global practices so benchmarks can be set to improve fleet use even further.

The tire management system that enables action

TOMS helps you leverage data, make informed decisions and reach your goals with different features:

  • Real-time tire performance data, including fleet inspection findings and images;
  • A common language is used to describe equipment, processes and tire work codes;
  • Standard measures and KPI’s confer consistent reporting and service performance measurement;
  • Shared insights and benchmarks as Kal Tire teams around the world access tire management data from a single platform. Aggregated data benchmarks tire performance, downtime, haul fleet productivity and more to identify ways to improve fleet use;

Real-time data capture drives fleet inspection reports. A color-coded inspection report shows the state of tires and rims on each piece of managed equipment, and standard maintenance priority codes flag potential tire work.

Source: Kal Tire

With TOMS’ mobile fleet inspection app, inspectors instantly capture and share tire damage images and color-coded findings. Now tire managers and miners can discuss how to schedule required tire work.

Collaborate with a shared plan

Based on inspection findings and agreed benchmarks, planning reports prioritize and summarize tire work that needs to be performed in the weeks ahead.

Gain visibility of:

  • Required tire work according to priority of condition-based inspections;
  • Upcoming tire rotations;
  • Rim non-destructive tests.

Download the planning report directly from TOMS or automate email distribution to your entire planning team.

Source: Kal Tire

Improve fleet inspection compliance & safety

Using agreed benchmarks and schedules, TOMS automates planned work orders such as fleet inspections and front tire rotations. Regular fleet inspections can catch critical issues that require immediate attention and reduce safety risks.

Kal Tire’s equipment-specific safe work procedures are also incorporated directly into the program.

Source: Kal Tire